Laser Dentistry

Laser allows cutting-edge dentistry in the most literal sense!

No shot. No pain. No shrill drill sound. No numbness and fast recovery after the procedure.

This probably doesn’t sound like any dental procedure you’ve experienced. Since beginning to incorporate lasers into our St. Paul dental practice, Drs. Thomas, McCarthy and Carpino have found more and more ways to eliminate the things that people like least about going to the dentist. And patients are pleased about how quick, painless, and effective the procedures are.

Lasers have been used for many years for skin treatments and eye care, but very few dental offices have incorporated lasers that can be used both on hard (tooth) and soft (gum) tissue. Our doctors are not ones to incorporate technology for technology’s sake, but the benefits fit right in with our conservative philosophy of care.

“One of the biggest selling features for me was that the laser allows me to fix even the smallest cavity without having to cut away extra tooth structure,” Dr. Thomas explains. “My laser literally allows me ‘laser focus’ so I can keep small problems from growing into bigger ones.”

Dr. Thomas says incorporating lasers has been a game-changer for kids as well. “The number-one thing kids fear at the dentist is getting a shot. When I tell them we won’t need any ‘sleepy juice’ (kid-speak for novocain), we immediately become best friends! Most laser-filling procedures end with the patient asking, ‘Is that it?!’ ”

The hygienists welcome the laser’s conservative, painless, and inexpensive approach to healing bleeding and chronically inflamed areas associated with gum disease. “We’re seeing very positive results without the need for antibiotics or a referral to a specialist.”

Here are some of the procedures that can benefit from laser dentistry

  • Filling cavities without a shot of novocain
  • Evening out patients’ gum line to enhance their smile
  • Lasering gum tissue around teeth to make a better fit for a dental restorations and reduce bleeding, swelling, and risk of infection
  • Zapping cold sores (if you come in right at the “tingle stage,” we can laser it before it even emerges, and it will heal up in a couple of days with no medication and never come back at that spot again!)
  • Low laser light therapy helps stimulate healing of tissue and bone
  • Laser bacterial reduction reduces bacteria after a deep dental cleaning and promotes healing
  • Frenectomy — for patients who have a band between their top lip and teeth or who are “tongue tied,” the laser makes this procedure is faster, often without anesthetic, and eliminates the post-op pain and swelling that conventional surgery causes.

So how does the laser work and is it safe?

Our Waterlase MD™ laser creates special, highly concentrated light energy and sends it through optical fiber to its hand piece. Drs. Thomas, McCarthy and Carpino use the hand piece to aim the laser energy and a gentle spray of water at precisely the areas to be treated. The laser is very safe; however, it can be harmful to eyes, so anyone in the treatment room when the laser is being used must wear special protective glasses.

Need more information? Call our St. Paul dental office to schedule an appointment. 

WaterLase Laser Dentistry from BIOLASE

Maximum Comfort – Complete Efficiency – Stunning Results

Dental anxiety, whether mild or severe, can prevent patients of all ages from taking a proactive approach to receiving dental care. WaterLase dentistry works without heat, vibration, and drilling to provide a minimally invasive, precise, and comfortable alternative to traditional treatments.

What is WaterLase dentistry?

The WaterLase utilizes advanced laser technology to:

  • Help reduce patient anxiety
  • Provide minimally invasive restorations
  • Significantly reduce the need for retreatment
  • Comfortably prepare patients for fillings, root canals, and cosmetic treatment
  • Provide treatment using less anesthesia
  • Reduce bleeding, post-operative swelling, and pain after treatment
  • Provide a more efficient treatment in less time

How does it work?

Laser dentistry has revolutionized the way patients receive dental treatment. WaterLase uses the high-tech combination of YSGG (yttrium-scandium-gallium-garnet) laser energy and water to provide a more comfortable dental experience with lasting results.

WaterLase is so precise that our doctors are able to perform restorations to the teeth, gum, and bones without causing damage to surrounding areas in the mouth.

Is it safe?

WaterLase is safe and effective. First approved for use in 1998, WaterLase is now used by dentists around the world to deliver accurate, comfortable treatments that meet the needs of patients of all ages.

If you’d like to learn more about WaterLase treatment, or find out if this is the right treatment for you, please contact our practice and schedule an appointment. We will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.